Medical Benefits Cost and Claim Recovery
Recover up to 8 % of over paid claims.
Reduce premiums up to 5 %
We are only paid on a contingent basis where we share based on actual performance.
Medical costs are rising. The new health care act is confusing.
Most likely your company is overpaying premiums and claims.
Medical Claim Audits
Bottom Line Maximizers will work diligently to get your money back. Our team of
experts will allow your company to recover lost dollars and reduce improper payments.
Our dedicated teams work to supplement your existing audit efforts and provide a direct
positive impact on revenue and quality control improvement.
Claims are often overpaid due to:
- Fee Structure Misapplication
- Non applied rate reductions
- Missed or incorrect discounts
- Improper Coordination of benefits
- Duplicate Billing
- CPT coding errors
- Unimplemented Benefits
- Claim payer errors
- Fraud
Bottom Line Maximizers partners will perform a comprehensive evaluation including
analytical, prospective and retrospective audits. Retrospective audits typically analyze
2 years of paid claims history and recover up to 8 % of total claims paid. Errors found
in retrospective audits discover system wide issues that will require adjustments to
minimize future errors. The results most likely will create opportunities for on going cost
reductions in addition to over paid claims recovered.
Medical Premium Cost Reductions
Our team of expert actuaries know the components that are factored in to medical
premiums. They will make sure that assumptions being used to create pricing are
correct. Historical claims data will be deconstructed and reversed engineered. The
outcome will show if wrong premiums are being charged. We will go back to your
current insurance provider and cut your costs often significantly. We will also show you
rebate programs that many companies are unaware to generate additional dollars.
Whether you are self or fully insured, we can evaluate your current structure and
present where cost reduction exists. You do not have to change providers and we do not represent any insurance company.
Explore how your company will benefit using Bottom Line Maximizers revenue generating and vendor screening solutions. Recover lost profits and maximize savings your company should rightfully have.
Contact us today for your no cost/no obligation evaluation and audit.