Bottom Line Maximizers comprehensive recovery and expense audits are customized to the specific needs of each client and their business environment. Clients receive the benefit of ongoing expense reduction opportunities and third party expert advice on streamlining expenditures and boosting profits in major expense categories.
Bottom Line Maximizers shows companies how to enhance cash flow through non labor cost recovery and expense savings strategies. Companies can protect themselves against vendor and supplier risk by implementing our sophisticated yet simple to use vendor screening and risk mitigation solution. Growth and profit improvement can
further be achieved by preserving cash and utilizing our leasing and financing options.
Our profit improvement consultants can evaluate your needs and set forth a road map for recovery, profit and growth.
Oversights and overspending are inevitable and cost your business significant dollars
Every business and non profit organization has the potential to increase profits by
reducing and controlling expenses. The major expense categories of course will
depend on the type of business you engage in. Your company may have a use for
all or part of our solutions. It is highly likely our audits will discover substantial
overpayments and savings. Our audits can function as a total outsource solution or
complement existing cost management controls.
Let’s take a brief look at our solutions. We will handle the audit and all details to recover cost and produce on going savings.
Accounts Payable
Small errors add up to substantial errors over time. Audit works well for company processing a high volume of invoices. Cash recovered is typically .5 to 3 %.
Most companies need funding for projects and expansion. We provide options to meet all your financing needs even if your bank said no.
It doesn’t matter if you pay for small or large freight. Most likely you are not getting the best rates. Cost reduction can be up to 25 % plus recovered overpayments.
Health Care
Medical Claims can possibly be reduced if you are self insured with over 1000 employees. Medical Premiums can be evaluated and reduced if you have over 200 employees.
Property Tax
Few companies know how to challenge property taxes and as a result significantly overpay. Our auditors will make sure you get refunds for overpayments and reduce future taxes.
Real Estate
Occupancy expenses are typically the largest non payroll cost. 90 % of audits benefit from refunds and savings. Cost Segregation service can reduce depreciation time period for new and revovated properties placed in service after 1987.
80 % of telecom users are not getting the best rates. We evaluate your entire network of landlines, cellular, and data usage. Average savings is over 25%.
Cost reductions can be up to 20 %. Overpayments can be recovered going back 3 years or more.
Screening protects your company from vendor and 3rd party risks and avoid substantial financial and operational disruptions. Works for any company that deals with a large number of outside vendors/suppliers.
Workers Compensation
Companies paying over 75k in premiums most likely overpaid and are due substantial refunds.
Reduce costs up to 20 %. Turn recyclables into profit centers.
All audits have no upfront cost with no obligation. We are strictly performance based. Our earnings are based upon shared cost recovery and savings. You make the final decision to implement.Our contingency fee structure provides a self funding mechanism and will achieve an ROI that will satisfy any finance executive. We will find more lost dollars than you would be able to on your own.
Non Intrusive
Bottom Line Maximizers and all of our professional value your time as well as all staff members. Limited client time or resources are needed to attain significant returns.
Contact us today for your no cost/no obligation evaluation and audit.